Academic Team - Sati-Salmah Sukarmijan, Lecturer of Law

Academic Team

Sati-Salmah Sukarmijan | Lecturer of Law

no picSati Salmah is currently a lecturer of law in University of Reading Malaysia. She obtained her Master in International Commercial Law degree from Newcastle University back in 2008. She started her career as a Legal and Corporate Executive in one of the oil and gas company based in Sarawak. She joined Universiti Teknologi MARA in 2006 and has been serving the academia for almost 10 years. She is passionate about IP laws and has been publishing papers and conducting IP trainings for various institutions.



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07- 268 6271

LinkedIn profile


Speciality areas

Intellectual Property Law, Property Law

Highest qualification and awarding body

LLM In International Commercial Law , Newcastle University,UK

UoRM programmes taught/supervised

Introduction to Property Law
Applied Property Law

Research interests

Inter relation between IP laws and other branches of law, Copyright laws

Current projects


Recent publications

  1. [Journal Article] Fostering Creativity Through Innovation Engagement In Science and Technology Education ; Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 2015, Volume 167,p.256- 260.
  2. [Proceeding Paper] Intellectual Property Protection For Traditional Cultural Expressions and Folklore ;Seminar on IP Protection for TCEs and Folklore 2013, Sarawak, Malaysia
    (Unpublished- Private Circulation)
  3. [Proceeding Paper] The Importance of Intellectual Property for SMEs; Challenges and Moving Forward ;International Agribusiness Marketing Conference 2013, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
  4. [Proceeding Paper] East Meets West:Transforming Copyright Exceptions ; International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences & Technology 2012, Pulau Pinang.
  5. [Proceeding Paper] Intellectual Property Based Economy: Towards High Income Nation; International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences & Technology 2012, Pulau Pinang.
  6. [Proceeding Paper] Countermand of Cheque; Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering 2012, Kuala Lumpur.


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General Enquiries

University of Reading Malaysia
Persiaran Graduan, Kota Ilmu, EduCity, 79200 Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia.

Toll free:
+1800 18 6867

+ 60 (7) 268-6200

+60 (7) 268-6202


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